Silence.... dBlue, Designed for Modern Living.
The built environment continues to evolve to meet the changing expectations of the modern population. A growing and more demanding population is prioritising convenience and immediacy, connectivity with security, the balance of fast pace with peace and tranquillity.
Trends towards urban living sees more people living in closer proximity to each other. Councils and town planners are continuing to promote the intensification of apartment-style living to allow for a rapidly growing population. Communal living increases the need to reduce noise in these intimate environments, to provide comfort and wellbeing for occupants.
Traditional approaches to common building requirements such as soil and waste drainage are being challenged. The Akatherm dBlue soil and waste system is perfectly suited to the needs of modern building. Using the latest co-extrusion technology, the triple layer structure of dBlue pipe delivers the optimum balance of mechanical and acoustic performance.
The noise-reducing Akatherm dBlue system has been specified and installed in commercial buildings, hospitals, apartments, homes and other multioccupancy urban developments throughout Australia & New Zealand. The dBlue acoustic pipe system reduces water-flow noise, creating a quieter living environment. This multi-layered high performance plumbing system delivers the best kind of silent treatment.
Akatherm dBlue is also well suited for drainage in traditional applications such as:
Multi-residential construction (townhouses and villas, low to medium rise apartments, and high-rise apartments)
Retail and commercial buildings including shopping and retail developments, offices, hotels and motels, student accommodation etc
Hospitals and Aged Care facilities
Industrial drainage systems
Rainwater and stormwater drainage